Friday, August 28, 2015

FAQ Friday

In an earlier post I mentioned that this time around I'm going to be more authentic and more Keiani. In my attempt to make this a reality, I'm introducing FAQ Fridays! During these blog posts, I will explore a little deeper, who I am and why I blog. This section will also be used for bloggers that want to share their story.

FAQ: why do you blog?

Blogging is for me what alcohol is for some. It's therapeutic. Blogging allows me to speak my mind, share my thoughts and have a voice in this world where often times many of us are left unnoticed. It also allows me to better my stress. As a mom with a full time job completing my masters degree and involved in so many side projects, life becomes demanding at time, to offset this, I take to blogger to release.

FAQ: how is it being a single mother?

I'd be lying if I said every day is easy. BUT, I love it! I love the challenge of raising my daughter, teaching her new things and watching her develop into an amazing young lady. I do get lonely and sometimes I sit and wonder how it would be different if her dad and I stayed together, but the support and love she gets from both our families, is just the right balance! Plus, I'm comforted by the fact that I won't be single for ever. (Fingers crossed)

FAQ: what is your parenting style?

Open, creative and modern. OK let's clear one thing up, I discipline my kid. No I don't spank her often, nor do I throw things at her, but I teach her discipline. Growing up, I quickly recognized how much more tragic it was for privileges to be taken away than for me to get "spanking" and with this guide, I teach my daughter. She loves watching Barbie and the dream house on my tablet so when she starts being ridiculous, there goes the priviledge! She's four and at a time where she's curious about everything not only that she repeats whatever she hears, which has become my biggest heartache. I want to filter the things she say especially in public but I don't want her to feel like she does have a voice. This is still a work in progress but hopefully we can figure something out.

FAQ: you seem happy, are you really happy?

Happiness is a choice. And every morning I wake up, I stop and give God thanks for my blessings. I can ask for so much more in life, but I have been blessed beyond measure that it would be selfish of me not to show my gratitude for the blessings I have in my life. I am happy,  I love where I am in life and love even more the opportunities for growth. I love life and enjoy every moment of it.

There you have it, four of the most frequently asked questions I receive. Do you have a question for me? Leave them in the comments and the will be answered next week. Until next time, have a great weekend!

Living life


  1. I also take privileges away from my daughter. She has only been spanked maybe 8 times and she is 13. The spankings are saved for very bad behavior that endangered her or set the stage for her to make major mistakes in life. I like that you start with privileges first. Be firm and stick with teaching her good values in life. Thanks for sharing about yourself. I love to blog too as an outlet. I also love to write to encourage others.

    1. It helps and the reinforcement is key! It's great connecting with you @mary hill

  2. Why do I blog? Tons of reasons! But some that stand out are:

    ~ I have a passion for food. Not just the obvious of eating it, but the amazement of it all.
    ~ Goes along with my passion here... I am fortunate to be a member the Atlanta Food Bloggers' Society's and their Interim President and VP Membership & Education. What this means is I have opportunities to have one-on-ones with chefs, dine at the finest restaurants in Atlanta, see some of the MOST AMAZING dishes, and be a part of the booming food industry here. The people I have met are phenomenal and the experiences are just as great. Because of all this, I get to share my experience with my readers and support the Greater Atlanta area food businesses.
    ~ The last one I'll list of many, is it's just fun. Period.

    1. That is fantastic! Had I read this comment earlier I would have messaged you .... Just flew in from Atlanta two days ago

      Next time I'll be sure to get some food advice! Nice connecting

  3. I have six kids and different things work for each of them. I love that you are encouraging your daughter to grow and explore! Blessings to you.
