Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I've Got Baby Fever

I've got baby fever. Okay so, not bad enough for me to actually have another baby right now, but bad enough to miss the joys of being the mother of a new born baby. This weekend I spent most of Saturday shopping for a baby shower of a close friend of mine and then Sunday I spent most of the evening at the baby shower and both reminded be of the excitement, anxiety and happiness of having a baby.

I remember when I first found out that I was with child (like in the Bible days). My initial response was very delayed. I have always been the kind of woman that did not want kids. I wanted to have an amazing career, travel the world and make an impact worldwide. So after I got the news, I thought about where my life was, where I wanted it to go and it hit me like a ton of bricks, maybe, what I wanted in life was not what was planned for me. After a lot of counsel and conversations with friends and family, I slowly began anticipating the birth of my daughter. For persons that were really familiar with me, this change in heart took them all by surprise. The once anti-child lady was now taking trips and spending copious amounts of money on an unborn child. Oh, how things have changed!

As I sit and reflect on life then and life now, I thank God on a daily basis for firstly blessing me with such a beautiful gift of life and secondly giving me the inspiration and drive to reach my goals because she has been placed in my life. From learning and enforcing self discipline to accomplishing my educational and career goals; since the day I found out I would be a mother, my life changed. In the best possible way. Now not only do I have the fantastic career, travel the world and developing ways to leave a global footprint, but I have a beautiful daughter here cheering me along every step of the way.

I may not be quite ready for baby number two, but I can certainly appreciate the joys of becoming a mother and the more exciting experiences of being a mother! Not only has her existence motivated me to be the best version of myself; but as she grows and develops I am encouraged to do the same. There's no greater feeling than that of being a parent and I truly thank God for this blessing!

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