Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Every New Thing is a Good Thing- Forget Comparisons

The recent death of a close family friend not only brought me to a moment of retrospection but his death has awaken something in me. To see the outpouring of love for a young man was truly heart warming and it felt good to know that I had the opportunity to not just meet this persons but to also be touched by him. This reflection then led me to think about my life and the impact that I have had on those around me. It brought me to a movement of self-assessment and it is within that moment I realized the importance of eliminating comparisons in life.

I must admit, I instantly felt a level of sadness that can not be described, I actually tried to imagine if I were to die, would I receive the same outpouring of love. I questioned, whether my friends would grieve over my death and even tried to guess how my family would react and then I caught myself. I realized that the thought in itself was not only depressing but did not add value in anyway to my life.
Rather than comparing, instead, over the last few days, I have used this time of reflection to celebrate my accomplishments. I looked at my vision paper (because vision boards are not realistic for every day life), reflected on what I have accomplished and identified new goals to knock down.

In today's world where social media consumes most of our lives, comparing ourselves to others often times leave us in a state of depression. We want what we see other people posting. Everything is #goals and without knowing how they have achieved these things, we interrupt our daily lives to be just like them. Comparison is the thief of joy and despite what you see people posting, there is always a back story. Live your best life the way you know how. Enjoy your journey and watch the beauty of life unfold in such a way that not only will you experience authentic happiness but your happiness can transfer to those around you.

Living life authentically,
Keiani :)

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